Monday 4 December 2017

CD Analysis

Image result for recovery album cover
The image links well with the 'Recovery' title as the album cover is suggesting that the artist has a long road ahead of him, which he must face alone. The artist is situated to the left hand sand of the cover highlighting the importance of the road of recovery rather than the personal image of the artist.
The medical sign placed in the title suggests to the audience that the artist has placed himself on a road to recovery and time alone to think will be enough medication to heal the pain that is occurring in his life. Due to the title being 'Recovery' the audience expect the issue to be a drug or alcohol addiction.
Subverting audience expectations the artist is being represented as someone who wants to become a better, independent figure in society rather than giving into the addiction and creating a revolting personal image. The calm, subtle atmosphere represented on the album cover also subverts audience expectations as they would expect a more sorrowful or violent cover due to the troubling mindset being experienced by the artist.
Instantly, it is obvious who the target audience is due to the Parental Advisory Explicit Content label placed in the right hand bottom corner of the album cover, suggesting that the artist has struggled to express his pain in a subtle/ calm way which fulfils the codes and conventions of a rap artist.
Image result for recovery album cover
In order for the title to stand out on the spine of the cover, it has been printed in a bold font in black against a white background along with the artists' name in brackets to signal its a personal album as well as making it obvious who the artist is when in the shops.
Similarly, to the title the songs featuring on the back of the album cover are in bold, white font to stand out as well suggest the importance of each song.
Strangely, the image on the back of the cover shows the artist sitting in perhaps his house or apartment however, the walls have been replaced with landscapes of the outside world suggesting that the artist is hallucinating due to the addiction that is trapping him.
Image result for metallica master of puppets

The band name 'Metallica' is edited to appear 3D in a large font, in the middle of the top of the album cover representing a heavy mental genre. In addition to the album being called 'Master of Puppets' many strings are attached to the band name title portraying they are the puppet masters of the world/ underworld due to the strings holding onto grave stones. Fulfilling the codes and conventions expected both the band name and album name are placed on the front cover, however are in different fonts. 
Dark, bold colours are used portraying a violent, deadly atmosphere that would stand out to a particular target audience as heavy mental is not the most popular genre.
Image result for metallica master of puppets
On both the front and back covers the titles are the same as well as this song names are in a similar font and bright white in order to stand out against the red background.
Differently, from other albums each song is numbered with time references in order to notify the target audience on the length of each song, which perhaps can convey a message about each song.

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